Sunday, November 27, 2011

Am I a Muppet or a Man?

The Muppet Movie opens by fast forwarding through the childhood of brothers, Gary who is a human and Walter who is a muppet. Gary grows up “normally” and Walter struggles with meeting his milestones and falters with "fitting in".   

I would guess that most people seeing this movie briefly ponder how a muppet and a human could be brothers in the first place.  Undoubtedly, I'm further guessing they quickly release themselves of the mystery by giving credit to "It's just a movie." They don’t beat themselves up wondering how the same parents could have such different children. 

I, on the other hand, as a parent of a child with autism and a “neuro-typical” child, struggle with this every day of my life.

...How did this happen?

...How did I have one child with autism, and one child who developed "normally"? 

...How “different” do my children perceive themselves and each other? 

...Will they love each other and themselves, unconditionally throughout their lifetime?

...Will my neuro-typical child struggle in his adulthood to find that balance between loving his brother and enjoying his own life?
There is a moment in the movie that Walter and Gary struggle with their identity.
Each one asking, Am I a muppet or a man?
In the end, they acknowledge their differences and accept who they are,
    and they sing...

              “I think I made up my mind
               Now I understand who I am
Gary :    I’m a man ....I'm a muppet of a man
Walter:  I’m a muppet...I'm a very manly muppet
              This is what I am” 

                           (Am I a Muppet or a Man by Bret Mckenzie)
Although  loving autism can be difficult,
                                  loving this amazing boy is not !!!
I pray this brotherly love lasts forever !

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